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B05DL110  Std. Litter Pick Bag holder

If time is money speed is important !

then this is is the one to choose.

If you need to segregate the Litter 

this is the one to choose.

B05DL110 Litter Pick Bag Holder, for fast loading by Litter Plier eliminating the familiar problem of trying to hold open and load a sack. The inset hand hold of the frame provides a comfortable grip even when carrying a fully loaded sack. The bag is firmly trapped onto the frame by a flexible tubular ring. The frame is formed in rigid PVC, the bag retainer tube is thermoplastic rubber. Suitable for bags/sacks with a neck width of 57cm.+, sack change can be effected with ease in less than 30 seconds. To facilitate litter segregation for re-cycling a second smaller bag can be fitted inside the first and stretched across the centre of the opening. As standard: frame colour is black with red or green bag-retainer-tube; white with a green tube is also available. Minimum Bag width 57cm. Frame internal perimeter110cm. Internal height 32cm. x 33cm.wide. Weight: 350 grammes. 

B05DL110  1 - off box of 10 = £110.00 inclusive of uk carriage +vat@20%.

B05DL98 Slim-line Litter-Pick Bag holder.  Choose if a small 51cm.width bag is

needed to keep heavy litter (typically glass bottles), under close control and so minimise encumbrance or are working in an exposed windy location.

B05DL98 Litter Pick Bag Holders slim profile also presents the minimum hinderance if operating in a crowded or cramped environment. Fitting a 20” wide bag also keeps litter and heavy bottles under close control. On a beach when the wind blows hard this is the one. Best size for children or if combining Litter Picking with a walk.

Shares the same inset hand hold as the larger, wider version; a comfortable grip being assured even when carrying a fully loaded sack as weight is carried across the middle area (not tips) of the users fingers.

Sack change can be effected with ease in less than 30 seconds. Minimum Bag width 20”. 

The frame is formed in rigid PVC; the bag retainer tube is thermoplastic rubber.

Available with black frame and red tube or white frame with green tube. 

Frame internal; perimeter 98cm. height 30cm.x 24cm.wide. Weight: 325 grammes. 

B05DL98 1 - off box of 10 = £100.00 inclusive of uk carriage +vat@20%.